


Who Should be Tested for HIV?


Starting HIV treatment early gives people with HIV the best chance for long, healthy lives and also reduces the risk for spreading HIV. For these reasons, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that everyone between the ages of 13 and 64 be tested for HIV at least once. They also recommend screening all pregnant women for HIV. The CDC recommends annual testing for people who:

HIV diagnois

·Are men who have ever had sex with another man

·Have had anal or vaginal sex with an HIV-positive person

·Have had more than one partner since their last HIV test

·Inject drugs and share needles or other equipment with another drug user

·Have sold sex for money or drugs

·Have ever had a sexually transmitted infection (STI)

·Have ever been diagnosed with hepatitis or tuberculosis

·Have had sex with anyone who has done any of the above, or whose history you do not know


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